When practicing the “Plein Air” method of painting an artist goes out into nature to find a scene and leaves the studio behind. Jessica Henry, an art Instructor at Catalyst Art Collaborative in Boise has spent much of her life pursuing art by going out into nature to find it. If one is painting with brought strokes, she is the definition of a self starter.
When asked about her art aesthetic Jessica replied, “I don’t have style, I just have moods.”
When viewing Jessica’s art one can see the mood emanating from the canvas. In her studio there is a sketch of Godzilla and King Kong, next to an oil painting of a plant with deep colors, next to a light watercolor painting. The mood will strike you.
In the past after once spending a decade creating “boring art”, Jessica was burnt out and
decided it was time to take a break from the art scene and sold all of her paintings.
Jessica now teaches art in a wide variety of genres. When asked about those specific genres she replied, “I am proficient in charcoal, ink, water color, acrylic,water based oil paints, fine art style, and illustration.” Jessica brings a dynamic and well rounded perspective to students at Catalyst Art Collaborative.
As one of Jessica’s longtime art students, Jolene Starr commented, “Jessica is my favorite
teacher at Catalyst Arts Collaborative. I go back to her classes again and again because I
always have a good time, and enjoy the process”. Jessica is patient with her students, and brings her enthusiasm for art, as well as her many years of experience as an artist to the classes.” Jessica makes a real impact and this can be seen through the words and works of her students.
Jessica has an approach to art that has served her well. When asked about how artists become more proficient, she stated, “To become a better artist don’t just become good at one thing but become proficient at many”. Jessica’s philosophy on art is seen in her diverse portfolio of works and this gives her a unique perspective as an artist.
Before moving to Boise Jessica spent time practicing painting all over the Western United States and found a thriving art scene in San Francisco. She would hang out in bars with friends and they’d spend hours talking about art and refining their craft. It was a city in which Jessica found community and camaraderie, but lost that community once she moved to Boise.
However, the Catalyst Art Collaborative has really helped Jessica find a sense of belonging once, again. She commented, “Especially now that we moved into this building, I’m getting to socialize with a bunch of different people who are artists, doing a lot of different things. So, it’s bringing back a sense of community”. If an artist community is something a person is looking to become a part of, the Catalyst Art Collaborative is the perfect place to start in the Treasure Valley. Find a wide variety of offerings at, https://www.catalystartscollaborative.com/ .